Ice coffee recept

Protein Ice Coffee

Protein Ice Coffee

When it's summer and hot, I like to drink icecoffee, but I even like to drink hot coffee when it's hot
Ice coffée

Ice coffée

publicerat i. Ice coffée. Vilken galen värme. Gjorde en fräsch iskaffe imorse som var väldigt svalkande. snabbkaffemellanmjölksockerfritt "vaniljsocker" (från Bodystore, kan köpas HÄR)karamelldroppar från Nutrinick, (finns HÄR)Blanda allt i ett glas och servera med is
DIY Ice Coffee!

DIY Ice Coffee!

Du behöver. Kallt kaffe. 1-2 dl vispgrädde. 3-5 isbitar, beroende storleken på glaset och mängden kaffe. Strössel alt
Mexican Ice Coffee

Mexican Ice Coffee

Skaka vodka, tequila och espresso med mycket is sila upp över is i ett highballglas. Fyll med mjölk och garnera med några kaffebönor

Caramel ice coffee

1. Förbered 1 Livanto i en liten kopp och addera sirapen. Blanda tills sirapen lösts upp. Låt kaffet svalna

Ice Coffee

IceCoffee. 2014-10-23 10. 35. 00 Permalink Allmänt. (0) Kommentarer. Precis varit ute på en promenad med vovven
Gingerbread-Lingonberry Ice Cream

Gingerbread-Lingonberry Ice Cream

A Christmas inspiring ice cream, is it something for your Christmas coffee table. The ice cream gets a delicious taste of gingerbread and the tangy lingonberries goes well with the sweet ice cream


Kas- my boyfriend came up with the wonderful idea of making the ice cubes out of coffee so that when they melt, they don’t alter the taste of the drink (he definitely didn’t invent the idea but he was super excited and proud so ill let him have this one
Chocolate Mint Ice Cream

Chocolate Mint Ice Cream

A little like coffee, I have not been able to drink hot coffee, it tastes bitter and strange, but now I can have a cup every now and then
Krämig Lakritsglass - Creamy Licorice Ice Cream

Krämig Lakritsglass - Creamy Licorice Ice Cream

Morning TV, scones, photography and coffee in the sun, a visit to the flea market (anyone who follows me on instagram know exactly what I'm talking about), ice cream and a blue sky