Pasta black and white recept

Svartvit Pasta

Svartvit Pasta

I got an assignment to shoot some blackandwhitepasta pictures and something like this was it. Ibland funderar jag lite över varför jag fotar mycket snyggare till andra än mina egna blogg recept
Creamy Chicken Francese

Creamy Chicken Francese

Serve the chicken and sauce together over rice or pastaand vegetables, if desired. Add in the white wine, chicken broth and parsley
Vegansk Biff Rydberg

Vegansk Biff Rydberg

Vegansk Pasta all’Amatriciana – Och Tävling med Kungsörnens Gotlandspasta. Salt andblack pepper. ) går Livsmedelsdagarna av stapeln i Tylösand
Classic Shrimp Scampi

Classic Shrimp Scampi

Stir in the parsley and lemon juice and serve over pasta or accompanied by crusty bread. Cooked pasta or crusty bread
Retro 80-talets goda Black and White

Retro 80-talets goda Black and White

Som en LCHF utövare kan det bli lite tjötigt när man inte käkar potatis, pasta eller ris så ofta. Så här kommer ett tips till köttbiten
Risotto på Risonipasta

Risotto på Risonipasta

salt & black pepper. Here is one of my favorites, with peas, white wine and cream. Boil the pasta, add the stock cube immediately and the wine as well

Skål inför Valborg Guldmjölk & recept

Grundrecept Gurkmejapasta. Crazy easy to make your own almond milk instead of buying with lots of extra additives and often extra added white refined sugar

Varför ska vi äta grönt? Why eat green and vegan?

white bread , pastaand rice are very acidic. vitt bröd, pasta och ris är mycket försurande. - Some legumes, like chickpeas , black beans and soybeans are slightly acidic , yet valuable part of a healthy diet

You know you are from Sweden when...

You don't realize that putting ketchup on pasta dishes isn't received well by Non-Swedes, especially Italians who normally get mortally offended by this practice